Monday 16 December 2013

Interview on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire
Terry Wood and Mike Forrest
Two members of our church congregation were interviewed recently by BBC Radio Cambridgeshire about how the church has been involved in the set-up and development of the Ferry Project and how they have helped the lives of many homeless and vulnerable people.

Mike Forrest, and elder of The King's Church Wisbech and Chairman of The Ferry Project tells of how the Ferry Project began by various local churches 'catching the vision' and helping to set up the organisation. He also reads part of the Bible that helps to tie the interview in to the advent theme.

Terry Wood tells of how the Ferry Project helped him to escape a life of drugs and crime. He now works for the organisation and also attends The King's Church Wisbech.

If you haven't listened to the interview, have a listen online now!

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