Clive Butcher at our Christmas Service 2016 |
We had great fun at our Christmas service on Sunday - yes a week before Christmas, we know! Keith Smith preached in the first meeting about the Second Coming of Jesus - as Christmas celebrates the first time he came, we looked beyond to what the second coming means and what it may look like.
Then in our second children and families service we had some visitors as well as crafts, Christmas songs, crackers to pull and gifts to unwrap! All were used to help illustrate the good news of the Christmas story - Jesus, God with us! Our Saviour is born.
This was followed by a bring and share meal where lots of good conversations took place and the festive atmosphere was great fun.
Thank you to all who came along and contributed in some way to help make this a very special day.
Merry Christmas!
(We are having a small informal service on Christmas Day in the Church Rooms at Octavia View starting at 10:30am)
For information about other church services during the Christmas period please visit