Here is a new song we will be learning in church this Sunday as we celebrate 2016 together. Have a listen.
Wednesday, 30 December 2015
New Song on Sunday
Here is a new song we will be learning in church this Sunday as we celebrate 2016 together. Have a listen.
Sunday, 13 December 2015
Contemporary Christmas Carols
The evening of Contemporary Christmas Carols hosted by
Wisbech Churches Together with The King's Church, Wisbech in aid of the Refugee
Fundraising Appeal happened on Saturday. The Queen Mary Centre in Wisbech came
alive with rousing music - some familiar Christmas Carols alongside more
contemporary Christmas worship songs which were enjoyed by all. Video clips of
the Christmas story set within a modern context punctuated the music. Just
before the interval, there was a moment to pause and pray for those caught up in
the refugee crisis in Europe with prayer stations to help bring a focus to our
During the interval there were tea, coffee, mince pies, a
variety of items needed in the Calais 'Jungle' Camp in France posted on an
Amazon Wish List and some needlework crafts on sale to help raise funds for the
appeal. A total of £247.36 was raised at the event that will be shared between
the Hope For Calais Amazon wish list and the Christian Aid emergency appeal.
Thank you to everyone who attended.
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
Jon Kendall plays at After Hours
Musician, Jon Kendall travelled up from Milton Keynes to play at After Hours Live on Friday. His charismatic enthusiasm blended wonderfully with his acoustic musical talents. He sung a mixture of cover songs as well as some originals, including a new song he had written about the work of the charity 'Compassion'.
After Hours Live now takes a Christmas break and will be back in early February 2016. Please watch the After Hours Live website for more information and the latest updates.
Have a blessed Christmas!
Friday, 20 November 2015
Verse for Sunday's Service
James 5:19-20 is the verse we will be looking at this Sunday in our 10:30am service and will be preached on in out 11;30am service.
Read it - pray about it - think about it - share it.
This image has been shared on our Facebook and Twitter feeds to enable you to share it with others. Or you can use the tools below to help you share this Bible passage with the people in your world.
Saturday, 7 November 2015
After Hours Live with Rachel-Yvonne
Rachel-Yvonne, a member of the recent X-Factor group Melody Stone, graced the After Hours Live stage on Friday accompanied by her very able guitarist Phil. She sang a mixture of covers ranging from Whitney Houston to Bob Marley with a bit of Bruno Mars and Rhianna in between. Interlaced between the songs were stories of Rachel's recent X-Factor experiences as well as the journey of her life. Some of the songs were given a special twist where one or two lyrics had been altered to give them the After Hours Live 'twist of faith'. Rachel spoke about her faith in Jesus and how we should be seeking to find our identity in him, not in other things.
A good number of people braved the weather and dodged the fireworks to attend. This After Hours Live was the first time we had teamed-up with another local organisation. This month we joined forces with Wisbech Churches Together in order to raise funds for those caught up in the refugee crisis in Europe. Thanks to the generous giving of the audience we raised a total of £80.60 which will be given to Christian Aid. Thank you to all who gave.
On Friday 4 December we welcome Jon Kendall who will be getting us in the festive mood as well as playing some of his favourite songs. Please visit the After Hours Live website for more information.
Saturday, 31 October 2015
Messy Church Special Offering
Messy Church Special Offering.
A reminder that this Sunday (tomorrow) we will be having a special offering specifically for the work and ministry of Messy Church that is launching in January 2016. It is hoped Messy Church will be an outreach to families in our community who currently do not go to a church, or know Jesus.
Activities include: tea & coffee; crafts where a Bible theme is explored; a celebration time of teaching, singing and prayer; sharing of a hot meal together. There are also advertising and training costs.
We estimate it will cost £2500 to run Messy Church for a year. So if you are able to contribute in any way it will be greatly appreciated.
Even if you are not wanting to get involved with the running of Messy Church directly, this is the perfect opportunity for you to support this new initiative.
If you are unable to come to church tomorrow, you can give safely online via our website. Just remember to say in the 'donation message' that the donation is for Messy Church:
Thank you.
The Messy Church Team - The King's Church, Wisbech.
Sunday, 18 October 2015
Our Website Makes Awards Shortlist
We are pleased to announce that our church website has just made the shortlist of the Premier Digital Awards 2015 in the 'Accessibility' category.
The Premier Digital Awards are national awards that seek to celebrate and encourage excellence in Christian engagement online. In the spirit of Philippians 4:8 thier aim is to focus attention on those people and projects that can serve as examples of best practice for the benefit of the Church.
Over 800 entries were made in this year's awards for the 16 categories available.
There is an awards ceremony held in central London in mid November where the winners will be announced which follows the Premier Digital Conference that is held earlier in the day, providing encouragement, resources and training for Christians interested in engaging with the digital world.
Visit our church website - click here now!
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
Sermon Videos are Back!
Sermon videos have been absent from our website and YouTube Channel for a couple of months due to our video camera breaking. However, we are now up and running again with a new camera.
So if you have missed church recently and want to catch up, or have never been to our church before, but just want to listen to the sermons we preach, we hope you enjoy it.
Remember to subscribe to our YouTube Channel to get automatic notifications when we upload something new.
Sunday, 4 October 2015
New song from today's service
Here is a video of the new song 'When My Heart Is Torn Asunder' that we sung at this morning's service.
We will be learning it with the band and will be singing it again in the coming weeks.
An important song for this time in the life of our church family.
Open Mic at After Hours Live
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Alan and Pam perform at Open Mic |
After Hours Live is back on Friday 6 November where talented singer Rachel Yvonne will be travelling up form London to give us an evening to remember. Please visit the After Hours Live website for more information.
Wednesday, 16 September 2015
Matt Records Song for UCB TV
On Monday our Worship Leader, Matt McChlery went along to UCB Broadcast Centre in Stoke-on-Trent to record a live acoustic version of my song 'Fingerprints' that is off his latest worship EP 'All Things New'. The TV recording was for UCB Watch and is due to be aired on the 'Faith In Action' chat-show programme in the coming months.
We will let you know when the programme will be aired.
Friday, 11 September 2015
Messy Church Trial
We had a great turn out for our Messy Church Trial on Sunday. The theme was 'Telling People About Jesus' - which is exactly what we want Messy Church to do! Everyone engaged with the all-age activities that included: biscuity traffic lights; gospel catapults; trinity pyramids; magnetic trains and many more. The 'Celebration' was good fun and everyone enjoyed the short skit performed by some of our very capable actors! We then all enjoyed a delicious meal of spaghetti bolognese followed by some yummy Eaton Mess for dessert.
We are hoping that Messy Church will launch officially in January 2016 on a Saturday afternoon/early evening. Keep visiting our website for details.
Monday, 24 August 2015
Register Now for Word on The Wash Conference
A new opportunity for Christians in West Norfolk, Fenland and Holland to come together for faithful and relevant bible teaching, worship and encouragement in our Christian lives.
Registration begins 7.00pm Friday 11th September. The programme continues throughout Saturday 12th from 10.00am.
Jonathan Lamb, CEO of Keswick Ministries, will lead four main sessions from 2 Corinthians 4 and 5 on ‘Authentic Christian Living’. Afternoon seminars with Martin and Elizabeth Goldsmith will focus on cross-cultural and family issues in today’s world. The children’s programme on Saturday will be led by Kevin Baldwin of Crowns’ Trust. Kevin and his team will teach and care for children from 4-15yrs throughout all daytime sessions.
This conference is free of charge to all – but donations are welcome either at the event or made previously by direct transfer online.
For more information please visit the Word On The Wash website.
King's Church Musicians at KingsStock Music Festival
A group of musicians from The King's Church, Wisbech and the Salvation Army joined forces on Sunday and played on the main 'Impact' stage at this year's 'KingsStock' Christian Music Festival. Matt McChlery, Joel Fitzsimmons, Matt Kinsey and Clare Kinsey played well-known worship songs which had the KingsStock audience singing along and were a blessing to many who were there.
KingsStock is a Christian music festival that happens every year. It has recently changed location and is now held on the historic Moggerhanger Park country estate in Bedofrdshire.
Find out more about the festival here:
Friday, 3 July 2015
Ragtag Misfits at After Hours Live
Helly and Andy, otherwise known as the Ragtag Misfits delighted the After Hours Live audience in the picturesque Octavia's Cafe in Wisbech last night. Expertly weaving their life-story of homelessness and poverty that ended up leading to discovery of faith throughout their set, held the audience entranced. They sang some stunning original songs mixed in with a few covers that all blended seamlessly together in their acoustic / folk style. Having travelled all the way from Liverpool to perform they had to include a Beatles number. With the addition of an harmonica to the drum and guitar their version of 'Love Me Do' was breathtaking.
Having recently completed a tour of every county in the country to raise money and awareness about Foodbanks, After Hours Live did not miss the opportunity to take a collection of food items for our own local Wisbech Foodbank. People were very generous and two crates of food have been donated. Thank you.
After Hours Live takes a break over the summer holidays but we will be back in September with an extremely talented young, local musician, Joel Fitzsimmons - don't miss it!
Wednesday, 17 June 2015
New Chairperson of Wisbech Churches Together
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Matt McChery (Chairperson) and Keith Aplin (Vice-Chair) |
Jacob Serenades After Hours
Accomplished violinist, Jacob Keet and friends played to an absolutely packed audience at After Hours Live in June. Jacob is an excellent violin player and is a member of the Norfolk Symphony Orchestra. He played several pieces, but he was not along. Indeed the night featured an array of talented singers and musicians from in and around the Wisbech area of all ages. These included: Thomas Clarkson Academy Srtings; The Wisbech Community Choir, The Wisbech Buskers, and Loc Mai and Gabriel Fitzsimmons on keyboard.
The evening too the audience on a musical journey from the Middle Ages up tot he present day, guiding the audience on a musical journey across Europe.
This was the first time After Hours Live had hosted an evening of classical music and based on its success, will definitely be having another one.
July sees 'The Ragtag Misfits' take to the After Hours Live stage at Octavia's Cafe in Wisbech. It is set to be a fun filled night so do please come and join us. Find out more on the After Hours Live website.
Were you at Jacob Keet's After Hours Live event? If so, what did you think? Please leave your comments in the section below.
Friday, 12 June 2015
Tuesday, 2 June 2015
Quiet Space: The Greatness of God
Our new alternative worship evening 'Quiet Space' is taking off. The bi-monthly event saw an increase in numbers on Sunday, which was the second time the event had taken place. This month the focus was on the greatness of God and the prayer stations and guided meditation PowerPoint focused on this theme. Complete with soft, soothing music and mood lighting, Quiet Space is a wonderful opportunity to unplug from the rush and distractions of every-day life and reconnect once again to the source of life - God.
Our next alternative worship evening is a Taize service on Sunday 21st June, Church Rooms, Octaiva View, South Brink, Wisbech. The service begins at 19:30 and will last for an hour. It is open to all - you are more than welcome to attend.
Sunday, 24 May 2015
The Persecuted Church
In case you missed this great sermon about the persecuted church, watch it again here! Using the book of James, Clive Butcher looks at some history of the persecuted church as well as tackling the current modern examples of Christian persecution in the Middle East.
Bible for Iran
Author (Operation World, The Future of the Global Church) and international speaker, Patrick Johnstone reports back from an event he attended where they celebrated the Bible being translated into Farsi, a language spoken in Iran and parts of Iraq.
Sunday, 17 May 2015
Video mentioned in Today's Sermon
Here is the video from the Open Doors website about persecuted Christians in Syria that was mentioned in the sermon this morning:
Monday, 11 May 2015
Churches Together in Wisbech Christian Aid Service
Members of The King's Church Wisbech were glad to be part of the inter-denominational service to mark the start of Christian Aid week on Sunday that was attended by 60 people. It was hosted by the Salvation Army although various churches took charge of certain sections of the service ranging from St. Peters (Church of England), the URC, the Salvation Army and our church also led a section. A brass band led most of the sung worship while our band joined with the Salvation Army worship band and played three songs in our 'style' of music which had the congregation joining in and had a few feet tapping! It was good to hear about the work of Christian Aid through the decades as they celebrate 70 years as an organisation. An offering was also taken for the future work of Christian Aid.
Speak Brother at After Hours Live
Speak Brother were the special guests at After Hours Live on Friday 8 May. They brought some top-quality music for us all to enjoy which had a distinctive modern folk sound (think Mumford and Sons) - so much so, we were happy to have had them along before they get famous! Remember - you heard them here first!
They played a lovely mixture of songs that talked about the joy and pain of life as well as sharing a little about their faith journey with Jesus. The majority of the songs were originals, however they ended with a great, uplifting number made famous by the Ice Age movie called 'Come My Way'.
Find our more about Speak Brother on their website.
June sees a completely new venture for After Hours Live, as we will be hosting an evening of classical music. Jacob Keet, a very accomplished violinist and member of the Norfolk Symphony Orchestra is our special guest. However he is bringing numerous musical friends with him including accordion players and a couple of choirs too! So get there early to get a good seat!
Sunday, 12 April 2015
James, brother of Jesus - web link
In today's sermon, Keith mentioned an online resource that helped him prepare for his talk about James, the half-brother of Jesus.
If you would like to read it in more detail, or use it for your own study, click here and the link will take you to the article.
Saturday, 11 April 2015
Magic and Giggles at After Hours Live
Tom Elliott is a stand-up comedian with a difference . . .he is also a magician. Seamlessly weaving in comedy and jokes with his magic show, Tom delighted the After Hours audience. From very funny ventriloquism with audience participation to escaping from a straitjacket as well as the obligatory card trick and some close-up magic, Tom Elliott did a great job! (You could tell by the number of people in the audience who were recording his tricks on their mobile phones!)
Tom stood in for the acclaimed comedian Tony Vino at short notice who was unfortunately stuck on a boat somewhere between Lisbon and Bristol! - Thanks Tom.
Spring Harvest 2015
So a group from our church got back from Spring Harvest 2015 at Skegness on Friday. It was a time of spiritual refreshing, awesome moves of God's Spirit, anointed worship, in depth teaching and a time of good fellowship and fun! I am sure you will hear more about it at church on Sunday. If you want to come along to Spring Harvest 2016 the theme is 'Game Changers' and it is set to be another great week!
Friday, 3 April 2015
Good Friday Walk of Witness 2015
Watch the video taken earlier today during the Wisbech Churches Together Good Friday Walk of Witness that went through the town this morning. It began with a short service with a hymn and a prayer at the URC and then the procession began at the War Memorial in the Crescent. The walk then went past Wisbech Library and on to St Peter's gardens. From there it proceeded up past Beals department store, past the Empire and stopped again in front of Argos in the Horse Fair. It continued up the Horse Fair high street and paused outside Wisbech Baptist Church. From there the procession curved round Hill Street and ended in the Market Place where more hymns and readings were sung and read together.
It was a powerful display of unity amongst the churches in Wisbech as well as a positive witness to the people in the town who stopped to watch, or even join in.
Monday, 30 March 2015
Quiet Space Launched
A new Sunday evening service was launched yesterday in the church rooms in Octavia View. 'Quiet Space' which is run and organised by Becky, creates an environment and atmosphere conducive to meditation and contemplation. With mood lighting, flickering candles and soothing music spending time in God's presence in the quiet and stillness is a beautiful and uplifting experience. For those who do not just want so sit quietly the whole time, there are a variety of prayer stations that you can engage with and use to help guide your prayers and thoughts. Quiet Space will be back again in 2 o months time. Next month we see the return of the Taize service, so don't miss it.
Wednesday, 18 March 2015
Recent Videos Now on Website and YouTube
Recent videos of sermons as well as a word in tongues (above) and some fun with the puppeteers have recently been uploaded to YouTube. You can now watch them on the 'Video' page of our website or on our YouTube channel.
Churches Together Hustings
Churches Together in Wisbech is pleased to announce that
they are hosting a hustings of the North East Cambridgeshire candidates in the
run up to the 2015 general election. So far four of the five candidates have
confirmed their attendance and it is hoped that all five will be present on the
day. The event will give opportunity for the people of Wisbech to hear the
candidates’ policies as well as provide a platform for questions. However,
questions need to be submitted in advance of the event by 8th April
and should be emailed to
. Starting at 7:30pm on Wednesday 15th April, the event is open to
all and will be held in the Salvation Army Hall, Wisbech. Everyone is welcome.
Saturday, 28 February 2015
Puppet People
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The puppets with their people |
Saturday, 21 February 2015
The Band at Engage Worship Conference
Yesterday (Saturday) seven of our church band members went along to the Engage Worship Day that was help in Luton. It was a fabulous time of engaging with God in different ways which we are not quite familiar with at our church - this opened up a lot of discussion as well as helped those who attended to see worship from a different perspective and to see God from different perspectives. You may begin to see some of the ideas gained from the conference begin to emerge within our church services at The King's Church, Wisbech - as they may help you to engage with God too!
Dedication of Katrina
Last Sunday saw a joyous celebration where the church family as well as relatives of Matt and Verity came together to give thanks for the life of Katrina and to dedicate her to God. Matt and Verity made some promises as declared that they would bring Katrina up in a home that will help her to get to know God. The church and relatives also promised to support them in their work and to help Katrina along her journey of discovering who Jesus is.
The service was followed by a wonderful bring-and-share meal.
Saturday, 14 February 2015
CAP Money in Wisbech Market Pl ace
On Saturday the CAP Money Course team from The King's Church, Wisbech set up a stall in Wisbech Market Place. This is all to help advertise the upcoming CAP Money Course that is beginning in March.
The CAP Money Course is a 3 session course and is absolutely free! In it delegates will learn how to build a budget and how to stick to their budget effectively. They will also be given free access to tools to help them manage their finances. They will be supported by the CAP Money Coaches who will also deliver the course material.
The course begins on Friday March 6, starting at 2pm in the Octavia View building located along the South Brink in Wisbech.
Booking is essential, so book your place now by emailing
Find out more by visiting
Film Night: Facing the Giants
Meeting Point is hosting a Film Night on Tuesday (17th Feb 2015) starting at:
Octavia View
10a-14 South Brink
After six consecutive losing seasons, high school football coach Grant Taylor believes things can't get any worse. He's wrong. With fear and failure defeating him in football and in life, the downtrodden coach and husband turns to God in desperation. Trusting that God can somehow do the impossible, Coach Taylor and his Shiloh Christian Eagles soon discover how faith plays out on the field . . .and off!
Watch the trailer here:
Friday, 23 January 2015
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity celebrated in Wisbech
Representatives from various churches in Wisbech at the service |
evening of Sunday 18th January 2015 saw a joyous event take place in
the Queen Mary Centre, Wisbech. The evening saw representatives and members
from a wide variety of Christian church denominations and expressions gather
together to celebrate their diversity and to pray for Christian unity in the
town as well as in the wider world. Representatives from each church had the
space to present something that represented their particular expression of the
Christian faith which served as a meaningful contribution to the other collective
elements of the service. The Salvation Army brass band played the hymn
‘Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken’ while The King’s Church band played a
selection of more contemporary songs including a piece especially written for
the event by Worship Leader, Matt McChlery. The whole event was a positive
demonstration of Christian unity and solidarity in the town and was thoroughly
enjoyed by all. Clive Butcher, Elder of The King’s Church Wisbech said: 'A good expression of the unity that
comes through our Christian faith - even though expressed in diverse ways
around the churches'
that were present included: The Church of England, United Reformed, Trinity
Methodist, Wisbech Baptist Church, The Quakers, The Salvation Army, The Roman
Catholic Church and was hosted by The King’s Church, Wisbech under the banner
of the Wisbech Churches Together organisation. Keith Aplin, Chairperson of
Churches Together in Wisbech said:‘I thank Clive and the King's Church Team
plus all who took part for a lively and very moving WPCU Service Yesterday. It
was great to see so many there and to enjoy worship and Fellowship.’
Friday, 16 January 2015
Wisbech CAP Money Course 2015 dates announced
Dates for our 2015 CAP Money Courses have been announced! If you are wanting to get back in control of your finances or just want to have a financial MOT - this course is for you. If you are struggling and may be in debt - this course is for you too. In fact the CAP Money Course is for everybody.
The course runs over 3 sessions on 3 consecutive weeks. Each session lasts 2 hours and is made up of a mixture of activities and DVD presentations. What is more, the course is absolutely free and has become the biggest provider of financial education in the UK.
Our CAP Money Courses will all be run in Octavia View located along the beautiful South Brink in Wisbech.
If you are interested, check out our course dates below, then email our CAP Money Coach to book yourself on a course today!
2015 Course Start Dates
Course 1: Friday 6th March, 2pm-4pm
Course 2: Saturday 11th April, 2pm-4pm
Course 3: Thursday 3rd September, 7pm-9pm
Course 4: Wednesday 14th October, 7pm-9pm
To find out more visit the CAP Money Website and watch this trailer:
Sunday, 11 January 2015
INVITATION - 'Week of Prayer for Christian Unity' Combined Service
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is coming up next week. The King's Church, Wisbech is pleased to be hosting this year's annual Churches Together service for this special occasion. Representatives from all the churches in Wisbech are encouraged to attend as we gather together as one corporate church to worship together and to pray for unity amongst The Church locally and globally.
The service is being held at the Queen Mary Centre in Wisbech and begins at 18:30. All are welcome.
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