Sunday, 22 September 2013

Jeff Lucas and Adrian Plass come to Wisbech

Jeff Lucas and Adrian Plass come to Wisbech on their 'Seriously Funny' Tour
The King's Church, Wisbech was delighted to welcome Jeff Lucas, Adrian Plass and musician Niki Rogers to Wisbech on Friday 20th September 2013. The church hosted an evening of the 'Seriously Funny' Tour which developed out of a book Jeff and Adrian wrote together. The evening was well attended with over 150 people filling the Queen Mary Centre in Wisbech for an evening of fun, wit, humour and serious moments too. Niki Rogers was also well received as she shared and sang some amazing songs.

Thanks to Jeff, Adrian, Niki and the rest of the 'Seriously Funny' team for coming and putting on such an amazing event in Wisbech. Thanks also to all The King's Church, Wisbech volunteers who helped to make the evening a great success, ans a special thanks go to everyone who came to the event from near and far! We hope you enjoyed it and we hope to see you again soon.

Hugh Osgood Visits Us

Hugh Osgood visits The King's Church, Wisbech
It was great welcoming Hugh Osgood, leader of 'Churches in Communities' to our church on Sunday 15th September 2013. This is the second time Hugh has visited since our church joined the 'Churches in Communities' organisation a couple of years ago. Hugh brought a fantastic message of encouragement and spoke about how vitally important smaller churches are the the Kingdom of God and that there are many different things we can offer that larger (or mega-churches) can not.

He also spoke about aspects of the life of David in the Bible which fitted in very well with our current sermon series. You can catch up with this sermon by watching it again on our website.

To keep up with Hugh and his ministry, do visit his website . You can also watch his TV programme every Sunday morning at 10am on Revelation TV, [SKY TV Channel 581, FREESAT Channel 692, ROKU BOX: Revelation TV]