Do you imagine a building, ancient architecture, a place to gather, a holy or sacred space? Or could it be going to a Sunday gathering, or if you are an active memberof the church – setting up the chairs or making the tea?

Or do you imagine the church as a group of people who are all on a journey moving towards God together? A community of Christian believers who share life togeter and help each other along the way? A body where every part recognises its role to play and does so to contribute towards the success of the whole? Where if one member of the church goes on a mission to India - they are a representative of the whole church, so the church has gone on a mission to India? Where all are ministers!
Clive preached about the shifting perception / definition of 'what church is' on Sunday. The Elders and leaders are hoping to move the church to a place where we are ready and able to continue being salt and light to our community in Wisbech not only for this generation, but long into the next generation and beyond. The current ministry in the church will not be replaced, but will be added to by what each member can bring to it.
The Elders have put together a disucssion document on the proposed changes and feedback and comments on it are encouraged. You can read the document on our website here:
Or you can enter the discussion by adding your comments to the 'comment' section below this blog.